What linux server are folks using for gopher? I'm using pygopherd, but wow, gophermap file is super picky.
info lines need a TRAILING tab character? Am I doing something wrong?
Any line of text not containing a tab is displayed as info?
Hmmm. Am I doing something wrong?
@tomjennings I'm the original author of pygopherd, so I use it. It supports a number of different annotation formats. I use UMN-style .cap, .Links, etc. Mainly because nothing else existed when I set it up, but also because I host mirrors of sites that ran UMN-style. pygopherd also supports gophermap. See the manual at https://github.com/michael-lazar/pygopherd/blob/master/doc/pygopherd.pdf . Section 5.9 documents UMN-style links, and there are links to the gophermap spec as well.
Cool! Thanks for reply, and sorry for the grumble. I just got it up today.
The docs are great, it installed easily and cleanly.
I will look at the UMN style, thanks, and avoid gophermap for hand edited stuff.
I ran gopherd in the 90s, which is a disadvantage now because none of that knowledge (eg the map) is helpful now.
I'll RTFM the UMN style, and more, thanks!
@tomjennings No worries at all! If you ran UMN gopherd, then actually that knowledge should pretty directly translate to pygopherd. Back when I originally wrote it, I was able to preserve some gopher sites by mirroring them using FTP, and pulled down the UMN .Links & .cap files and so forth. So it is supposed to be very compatible with UMN gopherd.
@tomjennings BTW FidoNet let teenage me from a tiny speck of Kansas connect with others with similar interests. Thank you!
The least I can do is some Gopher help 3 decades later!
I believe one of my first Internet email accounts ended in @f51.n291.z1.fidonet.org .
Oh wow! You had a uunet gateway email!
The usenet folk were complaining then about the unwashed hordes of BBS types in their classy spaces.
Things were fun then! lol
It was the time of everything opening and interconnecting. It really was pretty great. I'm glad you got to be part if it.
@tomjennings Yes indeed!
My peers worked high school jobs to buy a car. I worked jobs to pay my phone bill!
I have worked so hard for so many years to have nice Internet at home. Now that I have it, a part of me longs for the old days. I actually wrote a bit about it here https://changelog.complete.org/archives/10737-censorship-is-complicated-what-internet-history-says-about-meta-facebook . But it's deeper; my network coordinator organized annual BBS picnics and I went to those. No social media is local like that now. Ham radio maybe comes close.