Shower thought: Why is nobody working on nice, modern OpenDocument editor apps?
Is it because there are no good backend libraries? If so, why is nobody working on those? Is the spec just bad? Too hard to find funding? Too boring a subject?
Do I know anyone with experience working on documents/office stuff, or has insights on the topic?
@tbernard I hope my browserdev work could eventually be repurposed to those ends...
But I'm nowhere close yet!
@tbernard A better answer to your question: Simply rendering documents takes a lot of effort, especially if you want to do a good job & avoid excluding anyone. It's a complex domain noone fully understands!
And editing has a few accessibility pitfalls too...
There's good libraries to build on, but Pango doesn't want to do this full job. I can't blame them. And anything else that's available has a monolithic architecture (browser-engines), or is very low-level.