I finally got my #CH32V Portable Sensor Platform built and with the right LCD. My first sensor - LTR390 UV/Visible light.
This is a personal project to allow me to field test I2C sensors. Does it look like a potential product to anyone?
Sensor number 2 - the Sensiron SCD4x CO2 + temperature + humidity.
@fast_code_r_us sharp memory lcd cheaper than epd for this type of application?
@sircoolio In this case yes. A colleague in China helped get them for a not too painful price. Buying individual Sharp LCDs can be quite expensive.
@fast_code_r_us UV detector ideas: like a radiation badge…give a user a sense of how much UV they’ve absorbed over a period of time. Could be useful for gardeners, welders, skiers. Sell it w a free bottle of sun block.