COVID remains a going concern, with millions of excess deaths globally and millions more having been disabled, including many who are no longer able to work.
Against this backdrop we ask:
Do we take the simple steps to protect each other and our communities, or hitch a ride to wishful thinking?
The 164 (and counting) signatories to #PHPledge all agree:
We can do better than wishful thinking.
Join us, take a stand for safer and more inclusive events:
Good luck getting people to test before coming. Not sure where you'd even get a PCR test now. A lot of vaccinated people aren't too sure where their vaccination certificates are now either since nobody has asked for them in a while. Might also help if you have masks available for those who didn't bring one.
Ventilation is a good thing to focus on. Nobody is going to complain about better ventilation! The cost will be offset by improved productivity due to less drowsiness as well as fewer sick days. Ventilation in commercial spaces is often terrible!